import ai_ga.*; // A simple program that finds collections of numbers that add up to a given value // Aaron Steed 2008 PFont font; Sum sum; int initialTarget = 30; String solution = ""; String target = "target: " + initialTarget; void setup(){ size(400, 200); // initialise the GA with a number to pack other numbers into sum = new Sum(initialTarget); font = loadFont("ArialMT-30.vlw"); textFont(font, 30); } void draw(){ background(0); fill(255); text("Generations:" + sum.generation, 30, 40); text(solution, 30, 80); text(target, 30, 120); if(sum.found){ Chromosome temp = (Chromosome); solution = "solution:" + sum.decode(temp); } else{ sum.propagate(); } fill(150); text("click to reset", 30, 180); } // when the user clicks on the applet, restart the GA void mousePressed(){ int rand = (int)random(20,40); sum = new Sum(rand); target = "target: "+rand; solution = ""; } // This extension of GeneticAlgorithm searches for a combination of 5 numbers that add up to a target value class Sum extends GeneticAlgorithm{ // Variables specific to your task can go here int target; Sum(int target){ // The first line must be a call to GeneticAlgorithm's constructor // The constructor defines (dnaLength, valueLength, poolSize) and initialises default variables // If you are using the method propagate() the poolSize must be divisible by 2 // This algorithm is set to split dna at the binary level, experiment to see if you need this feature super(5, 32, 30, true); // Update your variables here // This is also the place to modify the GeneticAlgorithm's fields = target; } // A method overriding scoreFitness must be defined for this task. // The better a Chromosome's dna is at doing it's job, the lower it's fitness should be // fitness should be a value ranging from 0 (perfect) to 1 (useless) // if you don't override scoreFitness, it will always return 1 // In the following example the values in dna are being added together to see if they match a target float scoreFitness(Chromosome o){ int total = 0; for(int i = 0; i < dnaLength; i++){ if(o.dna[i] < valueLength){ total += o.dna[i]; } } return (1.0 / target) * (target - total); } // If your dna values are returning an index in an ArrayList of objects // or happen to be char values, you may want to put a decode() method here // This method returns a string explaining how the dna was added up String decode(Chromosome o){ int total = 0; StringBuffer answer = new StringBuffer(); for(int i = 0; i < dnaLength; i++){ if(o.dna[i] < valueLength){ total += o.dna[i]; answer.append(o.dna[i]); if(i < o.dna.length-1){ answer.append('+'); } } } return answer.toString(); } }