// A* pathfinding for tile game // This is a heavily optimised A* routine. // A* usually requires a list of open and a list of closed nodes to identify which nodes to search through // This requires heavy searching through arrays that can be avoided by tagging each floor tile // with an "open" or "closed" marker. To avoid having to reset all of these markers, we can create // a special number for each search and tag the floor tiles' closed and open markers with that // number. // More speed and intelligence is gained through setting the closest_good_node during the search // This ensures that the AI moves into a good position if the finish node can't be reached // A* will search the entire map if allowed to, which causes a judder when looking for complex paths // this is solved below by limiting the search_steps (normally a while loop is used) cropping the // intelligence enough to keep a decent overhead import java.util.ArrayList; class AStar{ int search_id = 0; ArrayList open; Tile adjacent_tile; int search_steps = 2000; int map_width, map_height; Tile [][] tile_map; AStar(Tile [][] tile_map){ this.tile_map = tile_map; map_height = tile_map.length; map_width = tile_map[0].length; } // Returns an Array of Nodes defining the shortest distance between x0,y0 & x1,y1 // Note that the A* map is a scale version of your game map - it locates the grid // node in a linear array. ArrayList getPath(Tile start, Tile finish){ search_id++; if (start == finish || !finish.walkable || start == null || finish == null) { return new ArrayList(); } start.setH(finish); open = new ArrayList(); open.add(start); boolean found = false; Tile closest_good_node = start; for(int k = 0; k < search_steps; k++){ if(open.size() == 0) break; int lowest = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int c = -1; for (int i = 0; i < open.size(); i++) { Tile temp = (Tile)open.get(i); if (temp.f < lowest) { lowest = temp.f; c = i; } } Tile current = (Tile)open.remove(c); // At this juncture we set an alternative finish point that is closest to the target // this makes for a predictive AI if(current.h < closest_good_node.h) closest_good_node = current; current.closed_id = search_id; current.open_id = 0; if (current == finish) { found = true; break; } // Check all directions // UP if(current.y > 0){ adjacent_tile = tile_map[current.y-1][current.x]; if (adjacent_tile.walkable && adjacent_tile.closed_id != search_id) { if (adjacent_tile.open_id != search_id) { open.add(adjacent_tile); adjacent_tile.open_id = search_id; adjacent_tile.closed_id = 0; adjacent_tile.parent = current; adjacent_tile.setF(finish); } else { if (adjacent_tile.g > current.g + 1){ adjacent_tile.parent = current; adjacent_tile.setF(finish); } } } } // RIGHT if(current.x < map_width-1){ adjacent_tile = tile_map[current.y][current.x+1]; if (adjacent_tile.walkable && adjacent_tile.closed_id != search_id) { if (adjacent_tile.open_id != search_id) { open.add(adjacent_tile); adjacent_tile.open_id = search_id; adjacent_tile.closed_id = 0; adjacent_tile.parent = current; adjacent_tile.setF(finish); } else { if (adjacent_tile.g > current.g + 1){ adjacent_tile.parent = current; adjacent_tile.setF(finish); } } } } // DOWN if(current.y < map_height-1){ adjacent_tile = tile_map[current.y+1][current.x]; if (adjacent_tile.walkable && adjacent_tile.closed_id != search_id) { if (adjacent_tile.open_id != search_id) { open.add(adjacent_tile); adjacent_tile.open_id = search_id; adjacent_tile.closed_id = 0; adjacent_tile.parent = current; adjacent_tile.setF(finish); } else { if (adjacent_tile.g > current.g + 1){ adjacent_tile.parent = current; adjacent_tile.setF(finish); } } } } // LEFT if(current.x > 0){ adjacent_tile = tile_map[current.y][current.x-1]; if (adjacent_tile.walkable && adjacent_tile.closed_id != search_id) { if (adjacent_tile.open_id != search_id) { open.add(adjacent_tile); adjacent_tile.open_id = search_id; adjacent_tile.closed_id = 0; adjacent_tile.parent = current; adjacent_tile.setF(finish); } else { if (adjacent_tile.g > current.g + 1){ adjacent_tile.parent = current; adjacent_tile.setF(finish); } } } } } ArrayList path = new ArrayList(); Tile path_node = finish; if(!found) path_node = closest_good_node; for(int k = 0; k < 1000;k++){ if(path_node == start) break; path.add(path_node); path_node = path_node.parent; } return path; } }